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The Crystalline Dominion Crystalline Dominion

Category iconIn-game Description

A tiny, independent state straddling the continents of "Storm" iconStorm and "Ash" iconAsh. Its capital "Twinside" iconTwinside is built on the tiny Isles of Ark from which its Mothercrystal—Drake’s Tail—rises. The lack of a "Dominant" iconDominant has seen the dominion become the subject of constant maneuvering over the years, both political and military, and it was only through the recent convening of a council of all nations that a non-aggression treaty towards the neutral body was forged, and a tenuous stability amongst centuries-old rivals achieved.

As the New Imperial Capital

A once independent state straddling the continents of "Storm" iconStorm and "Ash" iconAsh. Its capital "Twinside" iconTwinside is built on the tiny Isles of Ark from which its Mothercrystal—Drake’s Tail—rises. After "Drake's Head" iconDrake’s Head was destroyed in 873, the Holy Empire of Sanbreque declared "Twinside" iconTwinside its new capital in defiance of the long-standing non- aggression treaty. While controversial, the move— carried out by Prince Dion and his Knights "Dragoon" iconDragoon—proceeded mostly unopposed, largely due to the dominion’s lack of a "Dominant" iconDominant of its own with which to intimidate the interlopers.

Following Dion’s Rebellion

A once independent state straddling the continents of "Storm" iconStorm and "Ash" iconAsh. With the incursion of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque in the year 873, its independence was reduced to little more than a pretense, but things changed once again in 878, when Prince "Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage and his dragoons instigated a bloody coup. As imperial institutions fell into disarray, so did the situation in the dominion and beyond. After five years, Sanbrequois dominance in the region ended as quickly as it had begun.

Following the Emergence of "Origin" iconOrigin

A once independent state straddling the continents of "Storm" iconStorm and "Ash" iconAsh. Sanbrequois dominance here, and with it, any semblance of order, was brought crashing down in the bloody coup led by Prince "Dion Lesage" iconDion Lesage. Not long afterward, "Twinside" iconTwinside’s luckless inhabitants were subjected to further misfortune when the fall of the realm’s final Mothercrystal at "Drake's Spine" iconDrake’s Spine caused an ancient construct to rise from beneath their city, sowing death and devastation in its wake, and effectively decimating the already reduced populace.

Detailed Location

  • A small nation between the "Storm" iconStorm and "Ash" iconAsh continents.

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"The Holy Empire of Sanbreque" iconThe Holy Empire of Sanbreque The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Twinside" iconTwinside Crystalline Dominion
"Non-aggression Treaty" iconNon-aggression Treaty Crystalline Dominion
"Drake's Tail" iconDrake's Tail Crystalline Dominion
"Origin" iconOrigin Lay of the Land

Category iconRelated Bestiary

"Bahamut" iconBahamut Eikons

Category iconAffiliation

The Crystalline Dominion
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