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The League of Merchants The Dhalmekian Republic

Category iconIn-game Description

The group responsible for filling and maintaining Dalimil’s collective stores, that all might be supported in these troubled times. It draws its membership from 14 1111 IF the traders of the town, and is led by "Natalie" iconNatalie, overseer of the markets. It was she who recognized that Dalimil’s future could not be secured by force of arms alone—only by bringing the entire town together might they summon the strength to drive back the bandits.

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Natalie" iconNatalie Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"The Dalimil Inn" iconThe Dalimil Inn The Dhalmekian Republic
"Lord Underhill" iconLord Underhill The Dhalmekian Republic
"Lord Underhill" iconLord Underhill The Dhalmekian Republic

Category iconAffiliation

The Dhalmekian Republic
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