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Whitewyrm Castle The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Category iconIn-game Description

The towering citadel from which the holy emperor of Sanbreque rules over the entirety of his demesne. With the Mothercrystal rising above it and the imperial capital of "Oriflamme" iconOriflamme spread out below, this ivory edifice is truly a wonder to behold.

Detailed Location

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Sylvestre Lesage" iconSylvestre Lesage Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"The Council of Elders" iconThe Council of Elders The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Oriflamme" iconOriflamme The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
"Drake's Head" iconDrake's Head The Holy Empire of Sanbreque

Category iconAffiliation

The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
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