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Orichalcum Legendary Materials

Category iconIn-game Description

There was a time when orichalcum was so abundant that it was used in everything from armor and weapons to coins and cutlery. However, when the Twins’ only orichalcum mine was finally exhausted, the trading price for the noble metal increased tenfold, causing people to hoard what they had, and ultimately making it rarer than even adamantite.


Used in crafting to make "Ouroboros" iconOuroboros gear such as Gotterdammerung. Do not sell it or you can miss the trophy to forge the Ouroboros gear.

Detailed Location

  • Can be found from the following hunts: Atlas (S Rank), Gorgimera (S Rank), Behemoth King (S Rank) and Side Quests: Duty Undying II, Under New Management II.

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