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The Einherjar Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconIn-game Description

Basic Information

The flagship of the Waloeder navy, also known as the Black Galleon. Alongside the Royal Cavalry, it is the pride of Waloed, and is capable of swiftly delivering elite troops onto enemy soil to make war in the name of the mighty "Odin" iconOdin.

On the Naldia Narrow

The flagship of the Waloeder navy, also known as the Black Galleon, is a vast, seven-masted vessel constructed of three conjoined galleys, and could aptly be described as a floating fortress. Alongside the Royal Cavalry, it is the pride of Waloed, and is capable of swiftly delivering elite troops onto enemy soil to make war in the name of the mighty "Odin" iconOdin. Jill was kept prisoner here after being captured by King Barnabas.

Category iconScreenshots


Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Barnabas Tharmr" iconBarnabas Tharmr Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"The Kingdom of Waloed" iconThe Kingdom of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Royal Knights of Waloed" iconThe Royal Knights of Waloed The Kingdom of Waloed
"The Naldia Narrow" iconThe Naldia Narrow Lay of the Land

Category iconRelated Bestiary

"Odin" iconOdin Eikons
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