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Will Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconIn-game Description

That which separates humans from animals and is given shape by consciousness: a sense of self, and a freedom of thought. Even when one is deprived of other freedoms, it is one’s will that drives the pursuit of true liberty. To "Ultima" iconUltima, however, human will is a sickness that prevents them from taking their proper, divine form—that of the "Akashic" iconAkashic who blindly serve his own purposes. To this end he casts "Primogenesis" iconPrimogenesis, transforming much of humanity into his soulless

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Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"The Bonds of Consciousness" iconThe Bonds of Consciousness Mysteries of the Realm
"Primogenesis" iconPrimogenesis Mysteries of the Realm
"Akashic" iconAkashic Mysteries of the Realm
"Logos" iconLogos Mysteries of the Realm
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