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Blackthorne Persons of Interest

Category iconIn-game Description

Resident blacksmith of Cid’s hideaway. A sullen and secretive sort, who prefers to drown his woes in drink than to share them.

At the New Hideaway

Resident blacksmith of Clive’s hideaway, where he keeps the new “Cid the Outlaw” and his allies well outfitted with arms and armor. Though he is usually a sullen and secretive sort, his knowledge he is happy to share with "Goetz" iconGoetz, who has long been eager to learn the art of smithing.

A Hidden Past

Resident blacksmith of Clive’s hideaway. He originally hails from Dravozd, in the far-flung desert wastes of Dhalmekia, where he and Zoltan both prenticed, though he has not returned for many a year—not least because his former friend still bears him a deep-seated grudge.


Resident blacksmith of Clive’s hideaway. He originally hails from Dravozd, in the far-flung desert wastes of Dhalmekia, where he and Zoltan both prenticed. After an aetherflood filled the nearby mines and the town was set upon by "Akashic" iconAkashic beasts, he rode to Dravozd’s defense, settling the bad blood between them once and for all. Together, he and Zoltan forged the "Ragnarok" iconRagnarok—the legendary blade whose designs were bequeathed them by the master, Vulcan.

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Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

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"The Hideaway" iconThe Hideaway Lay of the Land

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The Cursebreakers
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