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Woebringer Melee (Two-Handed)


A blade found on a drifting ship whose crew had been slaughtered by a mysterious xenos. Holding its hilt braided with warm, still-living skin, your ears ring with the lamentations of the dying.

In-game Description

This weapon has an additional "Shove" iconShove attack action that pushes enemies away. If an enemy cannot be pushed, the wielder is pushed away instead. This attack deals an additional +wielder’s AGI bonus damage

AP cost of Consumable


Related Weapon(s)

"Incubus Klaive" iconIncubus Klaive Melee (Two-Handed)
"Drukhari Klaive" iconDrukhari Klaive Melee (Two-Handed)
"Bloodseeker Klaive" iconBloodseeker Klaive Melee (One-Handed)

Screenshots (Weapons)

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