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G Warrior G Clones


A large, winged, staff-wielding Genesis Clone, the "G Warrior" iconG Warrior is the weakest of its type. You’ll find this science experiment run amok serving as the boss on Mission 3-1-6, and in the Shinra Building in Chapter 4. It’ll attack by striking with its staff twice, using the Twin Kick attack to kick twice (can inflict knockdown) and by casting "Fira" iconFira. None of these attacks are particularly threatening, damage-wise. In addition they can cast "Silence" iconSilence to deny you access to magic.

Mission(s) / Location(s)

M3-1-6, Shinra Building


"Wrist Band" iconWrist Band ×1 Accessories
"Power Wrist" iconPower Wrist ×1 Accessories


"Venom Shock" iconVenom Shock ×1 Accessories
"Mute Shock" iconMute Shock ×1 Accessories
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