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A-Griffon Wildlife


An odd "Griffon" iconGriffon/Angeal hybrid, the "A-Griffon" iconA-Griffon is also the weakest of the Griffon enemies, first appearing during the story in Chapter 7, and in Mission 5-1-6. It’s weak to fire, but that won’t stop it from using "Fira" iconFira itself, as well as Maser, Feather Shots and a swooping attack named “Pressure”. When injured, it can also use "Drain" iconDrain and it may employ "Wall" iconWall to protect itself.

Mission(s) / Location(s)

Bathhouse, M5-1-6


"Hi-Potion" iconHi-Potion ×1 Consumables
"Mag Mako Stone" iconMag Mako Stone ×1 Fusion Items


"SPR Mako Stone" iconSPR Mako Stone ×1 Fusion Items
"Hi-Potion" iconHi-Potion ×1 Consumables
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