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Balouve Mines Dungeons


Excavating facility dug out of the Callaegh Steps. These mines single-handedly supported the modernization of Lucian architecture: the Insomnian skyline is composed almost entirely of the skyscrapers constructed with Balouve-made building stones.

While some sought employment of the mines as a more traditional means of achieving economic security, many hoped to strike it rich by capitalizing on rumors of rare metals hidden within the limestone walls. People flocked to the area, and a bustling mining town arose in turn.

The pipelines winding across present-day Leide are a testament to the centrality of natural resources like oil and gas to the region’s economy, while the trade of mineral resources has all but dried up. After the daemons made the nest of the mines, the miasma they produced began eroding the walls and tainting their composition. Before long, the area was deemed unfit for excavation, and the mines closed for good.


Region Bestiary

"Aramusha" iconAramusha Daemon
"Goblin" iconGoblin Daemon
"Imp" iconImp Daemon
"Killer Wasp" iconKiller Wasp Cleigne
"Mindflayer" iconMindflayer Daemon
"Psychomancer" iconPsychomancer Daemon


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Final Fantasy XV World Map

X: 10327 Y: 7947
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