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Valisthea Lay of the Land

Category iconIn-game Description

A realm comprising the twin continents of "Storm" iconStorm and "Ash" iconAsh, over which the Mothercrystals stand timeless vigil. At the foot of each, great cities have risen up over the eons, and around them, powerful nations. Though the land has been blessed with the light of magic since time immemorial, in recent years, a creeping blackness has begun to gnaw at its borders—the Blight.

After the Fall of Drake’s Head

A realm comprising the twin continents of "Storm" iconStorm and "Ash" iconAsh, over which the Mothercrystals stand timeless vigil. Timeless, that is, until Cid and his disciples commenced their campaign to bring each one— starting with "Drake's Head" iconDrake’s Head—crashing down, spreading chaos and confusion throughout the great cities and nations of "Valisthea" iconValisthea.

Following Primogenesis

A realm comprising the twin continents of "Storm" iconStorm and "Ash" iconAsh, over which the Mothercrystals stand timeless vigil. Timeless, that is, until Cid and his disciples commenced their campaign to bring each one crashing down, spreading chaos and confusion to every corner of the land. When ill-omened clouds summoned by "Ultima" iconUltima gathered over "Valisthea" iconValisthea, the delicate balance governing the magic-yielding power of aether was finally shattered, and the realm was changed forever.

Hidden Truths

A realm comprising the twin continents of "Storm" iconStorm and "Ash" iconAsh, over which the Mothercrystals once stood vigil. Countless eons ago, "Ultima" iconUltima arrived here, fleeing the Blight that devoured his own homeland, and resolved to rebuild the world and usher in a new and final age of pure reason. It was he who placed the Mothercrystals in each corner of the land that they might harvest the aether he needed to achieve this end.

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"The Mothercrystals" iconThe Mothercrystals Mysteries of the Realm
"Storm" iconStorm Lay of the Land
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