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Beastmen Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconIn-game Description

A somewhat derogatory nomen given the collective group of demi-humanoid beings that includes goblins, ores, and minotaurs, among others. "Beastmen" iconBeastmen tend to differ from most wild creatures in demonstrating a distinct intelligence—possessing the capacity for spoken and sometimes even written language, as well as complex tool-building—and many have developed unique, albeit simple, civilizations of their own. With civilization, however, will always come the desire to expand, and it is this ambition that has resulted in countless clashes with humanity over the centuries.

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Bestiary

"Goblins" iconGoblins The Bestiary
"Orcs" iconOrcs The Bestiary
"Minotaurs" iconMinotaurs The Bestiary
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