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Theodore Persons of Interest

Category iconIn-game Description

First Encounter

Porter and guard for the Crimson Caravans, the porterage firm that he runs with his beloved sister "Eloise" iconEloise.

Indebted to "Eloise" iconEloise

Porter and guard for the Crimson Caravans, the porterage firm that he runs with his beloved sister "Eloise" iconEloise. Many beasts and bandits have eyed his company’s caravans, but to date, he has cut them all down. "Theodore" iconTheodore is also a "Bearer" iconBearer, but was spared the brand after awakening late and being spirited away from his family home by his sister—an act of kindness and self-sacrifice for which he is forever grateful.

A Bitter Choice

Porter and guard for the Crimson Caravans, the porterage firm that he runs with his beloved sister "Eloise" iconEloise. "Theodore" iconTheodore lost his life to his own blade after being taken by an aetherflood whilst trying to protect the haven he had built for "Bearer" iconBearers from a rampaging dragon—wishing his sister a long and happy life with his final breaths.

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Goetz" iconGoetz Persons of Interest
"Honza" iconHonza Persons of Interest
"Eloise" iconEloise Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"Alliants" iconAlliants Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconAffiliation

The Dhalmekian Republic
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