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Barrett Main Companion


"Barrett" iconBarrett is a valuable addition to your crew in Starfield, specializing in engineering and technology. He offers a range of skills, including Tech Skills and a Social Skill. His expertise is in "Starship Engineering" iconStarship Engineering, where he excels at repairing ship systems 25% faster and has a chance to repair multiple blocks simultaneously. Additionally, his Rank 1 "Particle Beam" iconParticle Beam Weapon Systems skill boosts your ship’s particle beam weapons’ damage by 10%.

In combat, Barrett shines with his Rank 1 "Robotics" iconRobotics skill, allowing him to deal extra damage to Robots and Turrets. He also possesses Rank 1 "Gastronomy" iconGastronomy, enabling him to craft specialty food and drinks, research new recipes at the "Research Lab" iconResearch Lab, and create up to 5 food or drink items. These items are crucial for survival during your expeditions.


To recruit "Barrett" iconBarrett in Starfield, complete missions for the "Constellation" iconConstellation faction, specifically the "Back to Vectera" iconBack to Vectera mission. Afterward, you can accept his offer to join your crew. Detailed instructions can be found on the Missions page.

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