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Heavy Bolter Bolt

Location / How to Obtain

Drops from the Chaos Space Marine at the end of Chapter 1.

Additional Info

The "Heavy Bolter" iconHeavy Bolter in Rogue Trader is a powerful weapon in the hands of "Soldier" iconSoldiers running a "Burst Fire" iconBurst Fire build. This enables the user to fire around 16 rounds per Burst Fire when used with "Rapid Fire" iconRapid Fire, offering huge damage against a horde of enemies, or against a boss when you have a high chance to hit with each round. It also has great synergy with the "Bolt Weapon Expert" iconBolt Weapon Expert, and with its 60-strength requirement, is a perfect fit for "Argenta" iconArgenta, who can take the "Heavy Weapon Proficiency" iconHeavy Weapon Proficiency and use it immediately, rather than needing to invest 25 points into "Strength" iconStrength to use it.

Conviction Prerequisites

Screenshots (Weapons)

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