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The Crystal Cosmogony

In-game Description

There once lived a man, born to a mortal but blessed with powers divine. Conjuring a collection of glaives he dispelled the darkness plaguing our star. As a reward for his efforts, the god granted him a holy Stone—the Crystal, which he was to guard at all costs, for it would one day choose a King to see us through the coming disaster and lead us to salvation.


The Datalog is a category of items that can be collected and read by the player to gain deeper insights into the game’s world and lore. These items include books, journals, and documents that provide background information on various aspects of the game, such as the history of the world, the cultures of different regions, and the backgrounds of important characters. Lore can also teach useful skills, such as new recipes. Lore can be found throughout the game world, often in treasure chests, on bookshelves, or as quest rewards. Reading these materials can provide a rich and immersive experience, as they offer a glimpse into the intricate details and hidden meanings of the game world.

How to Obtain

In "Altissia" iconAltissia, on the bar at the Maagho restaurant.

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