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Missives Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconIn-game Description

The second simplest method of long-distance communication used in "Valisthea" iconValisthea, after whispering one’s message to a traveling trader and trusting in the strength of their memory. Though letters are more prone to interception than stolases, they have the advantage that they can be sent to those one does not know. Their major disadvantage—that the majority of the commonfolk of the Twins can neither read nor write, limiting their exchange to those of a certain level of education. Efforts are underway to offer such an education to the "Bearer" iconBearers of the hideaway, and many are already more confident readers and writers than their former masters.

Category iconScreenshots

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"The Hideaway" iconThe Hideaway Lay of the Land

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

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Category iconRelated Bestiary

"Stolases" iconStolases The Bestiary
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