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The Enterprise Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconIn-game Description

Basic Information

The hideaway’s mythril engine-powered flagship. Designed by the father and daughter team of Cidolfus and "Midadol Telamon" iconMidadol Telamon, the ship is currently under construction in a hidden cove on the outskirts of Kanver.

Her Completion

The hideaway’s mythril engine-powered flagship. Designed by the father and daughter team of Cidolfus and "Midadol Telamon" iconMidadol Telamon to serve as a last hope for humanity should all of "Valisthea" iconValisthea be lost to the Blight. Mid recruited a team of shipwrights and supervised the secret construction of the ship in the Telamon Ironworks on the outskirts of Kanver, with a little help from "Byron Rosfield" iconByron Rosfield’s bottomless purse.

Her Maiden Voyage

The hideaway’s mythril engine-powered flagship. Designed by the father and daughter team of Cidolfus and "Midadol Telamon" iconMidadol Telamon to serve as a last hope for humanity should all of "Valisthea" iconValisthea be lost to the Blight, and constructed in secret in the Ironworks on the outskirts of Kanver. The mythril with which it is fueled is a highly concentrated source of energy, allowing the ship to achieve speeds thrice that of a galleon at full mast.

Category iconScreenshots


Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Midadol Telamon" iconMidadol Telamon Persons of Interest
"Cidolfus Telamon" iconCidolfus Telamon Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"The Free Cities of Kanver" iconThe Free Cities of Kanver The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Ironworks" iconThe Ironworks The Free Cities of Kanver

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"Mythril Engine" iconMythril Engine Mysteries of the Realm
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