The Savior Myth Mysteries of the Realm
In-game Description
Among the teachings of the Circle of Malius is the story that the lord almighty delivered unto his children a prophecy of their future salvation before hiding himself away in the heavens—a myth that lived on in many of the folk religions that would later supplant it. Though long considered to be naught but a legend, it is possible that this reflects a real, historical event- Ultima’s final words to his humanity before he entered hibernation deep beneath
The few remaining sources disagree on Ultima’s precise wording, but on four points they all align: that on some future day of reckoning, the incarnation of the lord would appear among mankind and remake the world; that the advent of this incarnation would be heralded by the emergence of several heavenly servants of great might; that the lord’s faithful should rally these servants together in order to bring the incarnation into being; and that for their loyalty, they would be rewarded with the greatest gladness.
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