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Category iconIn-game Description

An orphan who lost his parents to the Ironblood’s latest crusade. He fled towards Dalimil, finding a new family in "Drika" iconDrika, a fellow orphan, along the way. The two were starving by the wayside when "L'ubor" iconL’ubor found them and took them in, adding a new elder brother to the patchwork family. He is a frank and forceful soul who enjoys nothing more than watching the townspeople at work and helping them with their tasks—whether they need it or not.

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Drika" iconDrika Persons of Interest
"L'ubor" iconL'ubor Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"The Dalimil Inn" iconThe Dalimil Inn The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Briar's Kiss" iconThe Briar's Kiss The Dhalmekian Republic

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconAffiliation

The Dhalmekian Republic
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