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Raider's Ridge Darfari Cannibals


A small camp housing Darfari members. This camp is a short walk away from the "Thugra's Stand" iconThugra’s Stand, alongside the nearby Khitan Traders Camp.

The camp houses Fighters, Archers, a "Sorcerer" iconSorcerer and Tanner. The Archer has a chance to spawn as "Sorschut Eyegouger" iconSorschut Eyegouger, who is a Darfari named Archer that can spawn at other camps and "The Summoning Place" iconThe Summoning Place.

The nearby area is also teaming with ironstone, Kudo, "Gazelle" iconGazelle, and a "Fawn" iconFawn.

Detailed Location(s)

Southeast corner of G6 on the Exiled Lands.

Interactive Map Locations

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