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Greater Rocknose (Pet) Pets


Greater "Rocknose" iconRocknose are a type of "Rocknose" iconRocknose with an much larger and spikier appearance to them. They are much stronger versions of the regular "Rocknose" iconRocknose. These are more often found to be player pets, rather than enemies in the wild, thanks to the model being used by the Living Mountain, one of the mini bosses in the game.

To make a Greater "Rocknose" iconRocknose, you will need to feed a Pebblenose (baby "Rocknose" iconRocknose hatched from a "Rocknose" iconRocknose "Egg" iconEgg, purchased from the Den.) When your egg hatches, place the pet in the animal pen, and feed it Ironstone. Doing so will grant roughly a 20% chance to spawn a Greater Rockface.

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