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Foal Pets


A "Foal" iconFoal is a passive creature that walks in the higher level areas of the Exiled Lands. The creature can be found, and picked up as long as you have the encumbrance to do so. When you acquire a "Foal" iconFoal, place them inside your Stable, and then nurture them similar to how you nurture other baby animals. Doing so allows you to raise them into a Horse, a type of pet. Building a saddle then allows you to turn that pet into a mount.

There are also three types of "Foal" iconFoals in "Conan" iconConan Exiles. These are Swift, Sturdy, and "Foal" iconFoal. These seem to only affect the base stats of the "Foal" iconFoal itself, and has no effect when they mature into horses.

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