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Valenso Da Reyn Tanner


In Conan Exiles, crafting "Silk" iconSilk involves using "Gossamer" iconGossamer or "Fat Grub" iconFat Grubs as the primary resource. Gossamer can be harvested from spiders and spider-like creatures, while Fat Grubs are a source of animal fat. Tier 4 Tanners are highly skilled NPCs who can process these resources into Silk with a higher yield, making the crafting process more efficient and resource-effective. Having Tier 4 Tanners, like "Valenso Da Reyn" iconValenso Da Reyn, at your Tanner’s Table allows you to get the most out of your Gossamer or Fat Grubs when crafting Silk, which is a valuable material for various crafting recipes in the game.

Unique Thrall Bonus

Increased crafting speed: +100%




Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands

X: 6383 Y: 7990

This Tanner spawn can spawn any Black Hand affiliated Tanner T4 thralls, including Lorenzo.

Marker screenshot

4. Conan Exiles Map - Isle of Siptah

X: 3947 Y: 7998

"Valenso Da Reyn" iconValenso Da Reyn may spawn sitting at the bonfire at "Sipho's Shipyard" iconSipho’s Shipyard.

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