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Trickster Vocations


The "Trickster" iconTrickster is an advanced vocation for the Arisen that can be unlocked when you visit the region of Battahl. You need to go to the "Reverent Shrine" iconReverent Shrine to unlock the Trickster, and you’ll find your way here as part of the main story. However, you can go at any time, even before you reach Battahl as part of the main story, and speak to an NPC named "Luz" iconLuz to unlock the vocation.

To learn more about the Trickster vocation and how to unlock it, see our How to Unlock the Trickster page.




"Aromatic Rally" iconAromatic Rally Trickster
"Binding Effigy" iconBinding Effigy Trickster
"Delusory Screen" iconDelusory Screen Trickster
"Dragon's Delusion" iconDragon's Delusion Trickster
"Espial Incense" iconEspial Incense Trickster
"Fickle Floor" iconFickle Floor Trickster
"Fragrant Alarum" iconFragrant Alarum Trickster
"Illusive Divider" iconIllusive Divider Trickster
"Latching Effigy" iconLatching Effigy Trickster
"Scented Alarum" iconScented Alarum Trickster
"Suffocating Shroud" iconSuffocating Shroud Trickster
"Sweeping Shroud" iconSweeping Shroud Trickster
"Tricky Terrace" iconTricky Terrace Trickster
"Visitant Aura" iconVisitant Aura Trickster

Vocation Weapons

Equippable Armors

"Ares Morpho Robe" iconAres Morpho Robe Body Armor
"Azure Shawl" iconAzure Shawl Cloaks


"Bandit Eyepatch" iconBandit Eyepatch Head Armor
"Battahli Turban" iconBattahli Turban Head Armor
"Beastren Mask" iconBeastren Mask Head Armor
"Blessed Waistcloth" iconBlessed Waistcloth Leg Armor
"Braided Boots" iconBraided Boots Leg Armor


"Ceremonial Cape" iconCeremonial Cape Cloaks
"Charming Corset" iconCharming Corset Body Armor
"Courtly Breeches" iconCourtly Breeches Leg Armor
"Courtly Tunic" iconCourtly Tunic Body Armor
"Crown of Insight" iconCrown of Insight Head Armor


"Dapper Chausses" iconDapper Chausses Leg Armor
"Doomdove Turban" iconDoomdove Turban Head Armor
"Duty's Mantle" iconDuty's Mantle Cloaks


"Edified Vestment" iconEdified Vestment Body Armor
"Enigmatic Robe" iconEnigmatic Robe Body Armor
"Eternal Bond" iconEternal Bond Rings
"Eventide Mask" iconEventide Mask Head Armor
"Explorer's Boots" iconExplorer's Boots Leg Armor


"Fair Cloak" iconFair Cloak Cloaks
"Farseer's Circlet" iconFarseer's Circlet Head Armor
"Filcher Kerchief" iconFilcher Kerchief Head Armor


"General's Mantle" iconGeneral's Mantle Cloaks
"Glorious Cape" iconGlorious Cape Cloaks
"Gnostic Wings" iconGnostic Wings Head Armor


"Half-Frame Glasses" iconHalf-Frame Glasses Head Armor
"Heraldic Cape" iconHeraldic Cape Cloaks
"Hide Cape" iconHide Cape Cloaks
"Hillfolk Breeches" iconHillfolk Breeches Leg Armor
"Hollow Cape" iconHollow Cape Cloaks
"Hood of Nonentity" iconHood of Nonentity Head Armor


"Illuminary Crown" iconIlluminary Crown Head Armor


"Jewel-Woven Sandals" iconJewel-Woven Sandals Leg Armor
"Journeyer's Sirwal" iconJourneyer's Sirwal Leg Armor


"Kindred Cape" iconKindred Cape Cloaks


"Laborer's Trousers" iconLaborer's Trousers Leg Armor
"Landwalkers" iconLandwalkers Leg Armor
"Leather Eyepatch" iconLeather Eyepatch Head Armor
"Legacy Cloak" iconLegacy Cloak Cloaks
"Linen Cloak" iconLinen Cloak Cloaks
"Living Altar" iconLiving Altar Head Armor
"Lordly Eyepatch" iconLordly Eyepatch Head Armor
"Lupine Cape" iconLupine Cape Cloaks


"Marcher's Armor" iconMarcher's Armor Body Armor
"Marcher's Cuisses" iconMarcher's Cuisses Leg Armor
"Marcher's Helm" iconMarcher's Helm Head Armor
"Mask of Concealment" iconMask of Concealment Head Armor
"Midnight Turban" iconMidnight Turban Head Armor
"Miner's Hosen" iconMiner's Hosen Leg Armor
"Miner's Shirt" iconMiner's Shirt Body Armor
"Monastic Toga" iconMonastic Toga Body Armor
"Monkish Gaiters" iconMonkish Gaiters Leg Armor
"Monocle" iconMonocle Head Armor
"Moonhowl Cape" iconMoonhowl Cape Cloaks
"Mysterial Robe" iconMysterial Robe Body Armor


"Napped-Leather Boots" iconNapped-Leather Boots Leg Armor
"Neophyte's Hosen" iconNeophyte's Hosen Leg Armor
"Nirvane" iconNirvane Body Armor
"Nose-Pinchers" iconNose-Pinchers Head Armor


"Oracular Veil" iconOracular Veil Head Armor


"Persecutor's Horns" iconPersecutor's Horns Head Armor
"Priestly Habit" iconPriestly Habit Body Armor
"Prowler Kerchief" iconProwler Kerchief Head Armor
"Redwolf Cape" iconRedwolf Cape Cloaks
"Regal Cloak" iconRegal Cloak Cloaks
"Researcher's Robe" iconResearcher's Robe Body Armor
"Ring of Grit" iconRing of Grit Rings
"Round-Frame Glasses" iconRound-Frame Glasses Head Armor


"Sage's Hood" iconSage's Hood Head Armor
"Salamander Mask" iconSalamander Mask Head Armor


"Turquoise Ring" iconTurquoise Ring Rings
"Twilight Star" iconTwilight Star Head Armor


"Uncanny Eyes" iconUncanny Eyes Head Armor


"Velvet Cape" iconVelvet Cape Cloaks
"Visionary's Mask" iconVisionary's Mask Head Armor


"Warbler Capelet" iconWarbler Capelet Cloaks
"Wolfpack Kerchief" iconWolfpack Kerchief Head Armor
"Wyrmwing Cape" iconWyrmwing Cape Cloaks


"Zodiac Charm" iconZodiac Charm Head Armor


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