Warfarer Vocations
The Warfarer is an advanced vocation for the Arisen which can be unlocked when you reach the Agamen Volcanic Island region. You’ll need to speak with
Lamond at the
Volcanic Island Camp to begin the quest which eventually unlocks the vocation.
The vocation’s main appeal is its ability to switch weapons at any time. Using this vocation also gives the Arisen free reign to wear any and all armor in the game.
For more information about the Warfarer vocation and how to unlock it, check our How To Unlock The Warfarer page.
Archistaffs, Bows, Censers, Daggers, Duospears, Greatswords, Hammers, Maces, Magickal Bows, Shields, Staves,

Equippable Armors

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