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Longwythe Peak Leide


Colossal crag towering over the Weaverwilds in central Leide. Popular among tourists and geologists alike as a spot for souvenir shots and scientific studies respectively.

For roughly two millennia, the mystery of the mountain’s origins has perplexed people across "Eos" iconEos. Geologists have uncovered so signs of seismic activity among the plates beneath the peak, and the oil fields underground rule out any volcanic hypothesis. Moreover, the rock that composes the crag has proven resistant to all forms of erosion. Thus, the question remains: just how did Longwythe come to be?

The broken buildings in the surrounding area are remnants of the pre-kingdom days, echoes of an era long gone. Some scholars speculate that whatever natural disaster destroyed these homes might have also been responsible for creating the now-famous crag.


Interactive Map Locations

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1. Final Fantasy XV World Map

X: 10088 Y: 7355
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