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Wiz Chocobo Post Outposts


Duscaen dude ranch focused on the protection and propagation of everyone’s favorite feathered friends. Tourists are invited to feed and interact with the birds at their leisure. The post also sponsors chocobo races and a bird rental service (for a small fee).

Wild chocobos one trotted freely through the forests of Duscae, but the recent influx of ferocious beasts has sent the birds running in fear. Despite the Hunters strengthening their patrol of the area, their numbers were not enough to attend to all the lost and injured birds, and the population continued to decrease.

Troubled by the chocobos’ travails, "Wiz Forlane" iconWiz Forlane sought to set up a safe haven for birds in need. Thanks to his efforts, the feathered friends of the forest once again had a place to rest their tired wings in peace. Without his hard work, the national Lucian sport of chocobo racing might have been lost to the annals of time.


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Final Fantasy XV World Map

X: 9113 Y: 7096
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