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Wiz Forlane Characters

In-game Description

Eponymous proprietor of the "Wiz Chocobo Post" iconWiz Chocobo Post. Self styled savior to everyone’s feathered friends, Wiz has poured his heart into the protection and preservation of Duscae’s dwindling chocobo population. Despite the difficulties his dude ranch faced in its early days, business began booming as word about its birds spread across "Eos" iconEos. This sudden rise in popularity also spurred the revival of of one Lucis’s oldest sports: chocobo racing.

Before the advent of automobiles, chocobos served as steeds, transporting people and goods from place to place. Out of all the various breeds, black chocobos have proven the fleetest of foot, keeping apace with most conventional vehicles. As an endangered species, however, dark-plumed chocobos are rarely seen in the wild. Wiz seeks to rectify this situation, hoping to help increase their numbers and eventually hold special races in their honor.

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