The Holy Knights Dragoon The Holy Empire of Sanbreque
In-game Description
Elite troops of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, led by Prince Dion Lesage. Drawn largely from the nobility of the realm, their status as knights of the sacred dragon affords them still higher standing in the eyes of the people. In the Battle of the Borderlands in 873, as in so many conflicts down the years, they proudly led the charge as the empire entered the fray.
Elite troops of the Holy Empire of Sanbreque, led by Prince Dion Lesage. Drawn largely from the nobility of the realm, their status as knights of the sacred dragon affords them still higher standing in the eyes of the people. In the Battle of the Borderlands in 873, as in so many conflicts down the years, they proudly led the charge as the empire entered the fray. However, Prince Dion’s opposition to the machinations of the Holy Empress Anabella spurred the dragoons to rise up against their emperor in an insurgency which saw them fall suddenly and decisively from grace.
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