Stonhyrr The Kingdom of Waloed
In-game Description
Basic Information
Capital of the Kingdom of Waloed, located on the coast of Frigg’s Calm, Ash’s northernmost bay. Its Mothercrystal,
Drake’s Spine, sits just off shore and is connected to the city proper via a massive span that legends say required a hundred years and an entire mountain’s worth of stone to construct.
After the Nation’s Fall
Capital of the Kingdom of Waloed, located on the coast of Frigg’s Calm, Ash’s northernmost bay. Its Mothercrystal,
Drake’s Spine, was eventually destroyed by Cid and his allies, but by this time, the city had already been lost, its leader perished atop a distant spire, its citizens reduced to mindless thralls, and its streets claimed by Ores and masterless beasts.
Related Lay of the Land

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