Drake's Spine The Kingdom of Waloed
In-game Description
Basic Information
A Mothercrystal situated in Stonhyrr, capital of the Kingdom of Waloed. Its sheer walls strikingly similar to the towering cliffs that line the coasts of
Ash, the interior can only be gained by means of a solitary stone span that stretches from the heart of the city proper. Being the last remaining Mothercrystal on
Ash, the crystals harvested from its surface are a vital lifeline for the Waloeder people, but even then their number is far from enough to sate the kingdom’s appetite, thus forcing her king to seek sources elsewhere.
After the Mother’s Fall
A Mothercrystal that towered over Stonhyrr, capital of the Kingdom of Waloed. The fall of
Drake’s Tail meant that, for a brief moment, it was the last remaining Mothercrystal in
Valisthea. That moment, however, ended abruptly when the Spine fell following Clive’s otherworldly struggle with
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