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Branded Soldier Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconIn-game Description

"Bearer" iconBearers forced to fight for the nations that enslaved them. Able to cast powerful magicks yet entirely disposable, they are often placed on the front lines in battle, or assigned to highly dangerous scouting or assassination missions.

An Inescapable Fate

"Bearer" iconBearers forced to fight for the nations that enslaved them. To stymie the urge to flee, the penalty for desertion is death, and soldiers are encouraged to keep a close watch on each other to prevent others from doing so—the "Brand" iconBrand upon a soldier’s cheek presenting an additional obstacle. And so most follow their orders, turning steadily to stone with each draw on the aether—to lose one’s life to the curse being lauded as a hero’s death.

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

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Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"The Bastards" iconThe Bastards Lay of the Land

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"Bearer" iconBearer Mysteries of the Realm
"The Crystals' Curse" iconThe Crystals' Curse Mysteries of the Realm
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