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The Blessing of the Phoenix Mysteries of the Realm

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The boon Joshua bestowed upon his brother upon Clive’s ordination as "First Shield" iconFirst Shield, allowing him to wield fire-aspected magic without a crystal. It has long been custom in Rosaria for the "Dominant" iconDominant of the Phoenix to share a part of their power in this way, performing this “Rite of Rejuvenation” upon those they appoint as their protectors that they might serve them the better.

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Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"First Shield" iconFirst Shield Mysteries of the Realm
"Clive Rosfield" iconClive Rosfield Persons of Interest
"The Phoenix" iconThe Phoenix Eikons
"The Grand Duchy of Rosaria" iconThe Grand Duchy of Rosaria The Imperial Province of Rosaria
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