Valisthea — A Culinary Pilgrimage Mysteries of the Realm
In-game Description
An ancient recipe book that instructs one how to make toothsome fare from the game of the realm—though the outdated tongue in which it is penned makes it difficult to divine precisely what beast is being proposed for the pot. It was discovered in the shelves by Yvan as he hunted for inspiration to expand his culinary repertoire.
And expand it he did, summoning forth the “Chancer’s Stew”—a piquant, some might say putrid ragout of scorpion tails, whose flesh was as soft as the silt of the swamps in which they live, and the flavor similarly comparable. The hideaway’s head chef Molly was not to be outdone, however, drawing from the Pilgrimage’s pages a “Fried Mortress of Skyworm.” The dish, consisting of wyvern livers sauteed with saint’s bonnet, was heralded a tour de force among those who tasted it.
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