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Harpocrates II Hyperboreos Persons of Interest

Category iconIn-game Description

The hideaway’s resident historian, whose love for books has earned him the nickname “Tomes.” Harpocrates traveled to "Valisthea" iconValisthea as a youth, seeking to unearth the secrets of this land of legend, and over the years has developed a deep knowledge of Valisthean geography, history, religion, and folklore.

At the New Hideaway

The hideaway’s resident historian. After Cid’s death and the destruction of his home, he joined Clive at the new hideaway, establishing a grand library within the walls of the Fallen ruin from whence he continues to share his knowledge with any who will listen. He has taken the orphaned twins "Tett" iconTett and "Crow" iconCrow as his apprentices, though they have yet to prove the most attentive audience.

Category iconRelated Persons of Interest

"Cidolfus Telamon" iconCidolfus Telamon Persons of Interest
"Crow" iconCrow Persons of Interest

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"Valisthea" iconValisthea Lay of the Land
"Cid's Hideaway" iconCid's Hideaway Lay of the Land

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The Cursebreakers
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