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Kenneth Persons of Interest

Category iconIn-game Description

Chief cook at Cid’s hideaway. Though the range and quantity of ingredients on offer in their hidden deadland home is limited at best, "Kenneth" iconKenneth finds opportunity in adversity, concocting toothsome fare from whatever happens to be at hand.

The Taste of Home

Chief cook at Cid’s hideaway, who lost his life on the night of "Hugo Kupka" iconHugo Kupka’s attack. He was well-loved both for his ever genial nature and the toothsome fare he concocted from the limited ingredients available in their deadland home. Indeed, many of "Kenneth" iconKenneth’s dishes remain on the menu in Clive’s new hideaway.

Detailed Location

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"The Fall of the Hideaway" iconThe Fall of the Hideaway Lay of the Land

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Category iconScreenshots

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