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Shuja Harmony Hoop Pendants


The Shuja Harmony Hoop is a pendant in Lords of the Fallen that allows the wearer to boost damage after each spell cast.


After each spell cast, further spells temporarily deal increased damage. Casting spells from different magic schools further amplifies this effect. Increase your Inferno and Radiance to gain further insight.


  • From the Fen Vestige point, follow the pathway into the first village, climb up the root that the first warrior sits on top of, then go left. Follow the path and the stairways that leads to a forest area, with some more human militia type enemies. Continue the pathway, crossing gaps using the Umbral lamp, and then turn left. The route will eventually take you downhill towards a gate you can cross using Umbral. Follow that path down, and you’ll find an item pickup sitting directly opposite the Fen vestige waypoint across the chasm.

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