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The Commander Legendary Bosses


"The Commander" iconThe Commander is a very tough boss, with plenty of armor, making it a difficult foe to kill, and interrupt. You will likely need a shield to interrupt it with its off hand attacks. It also wields a powerful two handed Star Metal Sword.
Like all bosses in the "Unnamed City" iconUnnamed City, this boss will likely drop a legendary repair kit, for either a weapon or armor piece, along with one Fragment of Power.

Detailed Location(s)

"The Commander" iconThe Commander is a boss that is found along the central eastern part of the inner "Unnamed City" iconUnnamed City. You can find him on an highway leading out towards a closed off gate, surrounded by 16 mummy guards, with one half mummy warriors, and another half archers.

Combat Tips

You will want to prepare yourself with this fight thanks to its higher minion count. There are 16 enemies you will need to fight, with the 6 at the back being archers. it means you will likely have to move into them, which will more than likely cause you to aggro the melee units as well. Either pick them off if you can, or expect a massive fight.

Also, the your best companion choices are Fighter Companions, either those with high armor, or a pet with High Armor and High Hp. This makes shield bearing Fighters and high armor quality Fighters really good, along with pets like White Rhino, Greater "Elephant" iconElephants, and other monster like pets. These can be your tanks, making it easier to sunder the boss’ armor, apply bleeds and poisons, or any other playstyle you may have.

As for the moves you need to watch out for, there are:

  • Line strike - Charge forward and swing sword in a line.
  • Cleave - Commander spins his two handed Star Metal sword in large cleave arcs, your best bet is to get directly behind it, or to completely out range it. sometimes the boss does two cleaves, so going as far back as possible is typically the safest bet.
  • Up and down - The boss uses a combo of an uppercut and then a downward strike to deal big damage to the target it is facing.

Lastly, we recommend some high quality armor, such as those in the minimum Hardened Steel territory, but preferably higher armor tiers like higher from other feats. This is because the bosses are considered end game world bosses, which you will need very high quality gear for.

Interactive Map Locations

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