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Rockslide Legendary Creatures


The "Rockslide" iconRockslide is a colossal Legendary Creature, often referred to as a “Living Mountain.” This formidable creature can be encountered in various locations, including the passage east of "Fingerfang Rock" iconFingerfang Rock. It is known for its immense size and strength.

Detailed Location(s)

The "Rockslide" iconRockslide can be found in several key locations across the Exiled Lands and the Isle of Siptah:

Combat Tips

Engaging in combat with the "Rockslide" iconRockslide requires a strategic approach due to its high armor points and formidable damage output. It is advisable to employ a hit-and-run strategy to effectively tackle this legendary adversary.


Similar to all Legendary Creatures, defeating the "Rockslide" iconRockslide and harvesting its body will yield a valuable reward - a "Skeleton" iconSkeleton Key. This can be used to unlock Legendary Chests that can be found in dungeons as of the Age of War update.

Harvestable Resources


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Conan Exiles Map - The Exiled Lands

X: 2872 Y: 7402

You’ll find a world boss known as "Rockslide" iconRockslide waiting here.

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