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Dyer's Bench Crafting Station

In-game Description

“The man in the boat was a picturesque figure. A crimson scarf was knotted about his head; his wide silk breeches, of flaming hue, were upheld by a broad sash, which likewise supported a scimitar in a shagreen scabbard.” - The Devil in Iron.

Through the careful application of berries, bark, and beetle-guts, the artisanal dyer can transform natural fabrics and hides into an amazing array of hues and colors. Originated in Vendhya, vat dyes were so named because of the high capacity containers employed in the ancient art form.


You can build the Dyer’s Bench using x50 Brick and x50 "Tar" iconTar.

The Dyer’s Bench is primarily used to craft various dyes for your armor, but you can also use it to make war paints, and even the "Sloughing Fluid" iconSloughing Fluid which can be used to remove existing war paints.

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