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Tuskbeast Beasts


The "Tuskbeast" iconTuskbeast is a distinctive creature native to the Isle of Siptah in Conan Exiles. It bears a striking resemblance to a rhinoceros but is distinguished by the presence of four large tusks protruding from its mouth and a smaller horn on its snout. Young Tuskbeasts start with small tusks, which grow larger as they reach adulthood. Additionally, these creatures boast brown fur covering their flanks, belly, and neck area.

Basic Location

"Tuskbeast" iconTuskbeasts are exclusively found on the Isle of Siptah.

Combat Tips

"Tuskbeast" iconTuskbeasts are often encountered in groups, typically with their young. When a player or a predator threatens a Tuskbeast calf, the adult members of the group will actively defend the young, displaying a protective and aggressive temperament.


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

3. Conan Exiles Map - Isle of Siptah

X: 7572 Y: 5102

Lot’s of "Tuskbeast" iconTuskbeast inhabit this area.

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