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Ruins of X'chotl Special


The "Ruins of X'chotl" iconRuins of X’chotl is an area populated by high-level enemies. It features colder than normal conditions and includes the Elder Vault known as the "Sanctuary of the Serpent" iconSanctuary of the Serpent.

Map Coordinates

TeleportPlayer -313129 41372 -15017

Additional Notes

Some areas within "Ruins of X'chotl" iconRuins of X’chotl may corrupt players, contain black ice, and exhibit significantly colder temperatures than others.
The area is generally characterized by heavy fog.


The "Ruins of X'chotl" iconRuins of X’chotl contains several bosses, including the "Snarling Monstrosity" iconSnarling Monstrosity, "The Slaughterer" iconThe Slaughterer, "The Famished" iconThe Famished, and "The Hunger" iconThe Hunger.

Interactive Map Locations

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