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The Ruins of Qara-Yisu Dry Steppes Stronghold

In-Game Description

The salt-covered ruins of a town afflicted by a sadistic curse

  • Objective 1: Explore the Ruins of Qara-Yisu

This Objective simply requires you to run into the first group of "Fallen" iconFallen.

  • Objective 2: Find and destroy the Infernal Spires (3)

You will have to go to the south, northwest, and northeast of the ruins to take out the three Spires. You will find Elites at these Spires so deal with them first.

  • Objective 3: Investigate the disturbance at the mine

Simply make your way to the north of the Stronghold to complete this objective and spawn the Boss.

  • Objective 4: Slay Utulku

Before you even think of taking on Utulku, run around the edges of the arena and deal with all the adds that spawn from the salt statues, you won’t want them attacking you during the battle.

Once you take on Utulku, keep an eye out for the arcane circle on the floor and move out of them. This is Utulku’s main form of attack so it shouldn’t pose too much of a threat. As you bring her closer to death, she’ll summon more circles at once and call on adds, deal with them first before resuming your assault on Utulku.

  • Objective 4: Rekindle the Wanderer’s Shrine to conquer Qara Yisu
    Activate the shrine to restore the Stronghold and complete the quest.

Note: Completing the Stronghold will unlock the "Shifting City" iconShifting City and "Pallid Delve" iconPallid Delve dungeons, alongside a Waypoint, town services and the "Blood and Sweat" iconBlood and Sweat and "Phases of the Moon" iconPhases of the Moon Side Quests.


Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Sanctuary Map

X: 9390 Y: 11873

Dry Steppes Stronghold items in Diablo IV (3)

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