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Vault 95 Vaults

Background / History

"Vault 95" iconVault 95 was created by Vault-Tec as a rehabilitation facility for individuals suffering from chem addiction. The experiment involved residents progressing through a program for five years before a planted Vault-Tec agent would reveal a hidden stash of drugs, observing the residents’ responses. However, the revelation led to violence and the breakdown of the community.


The Vault is heavily guarded by Gunners and robots. It consists of an entrance area, an atrium, and separate sections including the facilities wing, residential wing, and overseer’s office. Notable locations include the detox facility, living quarters, and the hidden stash of drugs.

Notable Loot

  • Big guns bobblehead
  • Two bottlecap mines
  • Nuka-Cherry
  • Stealth Boy
  • Approximately 115 aluminum (from scrapping items)


  • Enemies respawn periodically, but items do not.
  • If "Cait" iconCait wears power armor, she exits it upon entering the detox facility.
  • "Vault 95" iconVault 95 and "Vault 75" iconVault 75 are the only Vaults without obtainable jumpsuits.
  • The Vault’s number first appeared in Fallout 3 and was initially numbered 121 in a concept map for Fallout 4.
  • Companion comments are triggered in the overseer’s office and reactor room.

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Commonwealth World Map

X: 6001 Y: 10034
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