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Furgola Canal Fishing Spots


The "Furgola Canal" iconFurgola Canal fishing spot in Final Fantasy XV is a unique and bustling location situated in the southern part of the Leide region. It is a man-made canal that runs through a residential area, surrounded by buildings and bustling streets, giving it a distinct urban feel.

Despite its urban setting, the Furgola Canal is teeming with fish, making it a popular destination for anglers looking to catch a variety of species. The canal is home to a variety of fish, including the popular "Galdin Trevally" iconGaldin Trevally, the "Lucian Catfish" iconLucian Catfish, and the Cleigne Mullet. Anglers can use a variety of bait and lures to try and catch these fish, including the Burrowerworm and the "Tide Grouper" iconTide Grouper.

One of the unique features of the Furgola Canal fishing spot is that it is accessible by both foot and boat. Anglers can fish from the concrete banks of the canal or rent a small motorboat to explore the waters and try to catch fish from different angles.

Overall, the Furgola Canal fishing spot is a lively and exciting location that offers a stark contrast to the natural serenity of other fishing spots in Final Fantasy XV.

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