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Tired of Running Side Quests

Quest Type


In-game Description

“According to the tipster at "Longwythe Rest Area" iconLongwythe Rest Area, someone spotted a suspicious individual in the area. Apparently, he’s been on the run from the authorities for some time now. The tipster has put out a call for anyone who can take the fugitive down.”


In the "Tired of Running" iconTired of Running side quest in Final Fantasy XV, the player must accept a request from a tipster at the "Longwythe Rest Area" iconLongwythe Rest Area to track down a fugitive who has been spotted in the area. The individual has been on the run from the authorities for some time, and the tipster has put out a call for anyone who can take the fugitive down. The player must find the fugitive and render aid by providing the fugitive with a potion to complete the quest.

Quest Location

"The Three Valleys" iconThe Three Valleys


  • Accept the quest from the tipster at "Longwythe Rest Area" iconLongwythe Rest Area
  • Travel to the location where the fugitive was last seen
  • Locate and the fugitive between the shipping containers
  • Give a potion complete the quest.

Interactive Map Locations

Marker screenshot

1. Final Fantasy XV World Map

X: 9926 Y: 6544

Location: "The Three Valleys" iconThe Three Valleys

Level: 5

Reward: 300 XP
500 Gil

You’ll find a bunch of storage crates on the side of the road near an intersection. There’s a man amongst them who needs a potion. Hear his cries for help to obtain this quest and give him a potion to complete it.

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