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Platinum Belt +1 Uncommon Belts

Category iconIn-game Description

While copper, iron, even gold mines are plentiful in the Twins, there is only one location where white gold has ever been found—southwestern "Ash" iconAsh. As such, the Kingdom of Waloed controls the realm’s sole supply of the rare and highly sought-after metal, with proceeds from its exports funding the nation’s military incursions into "Storm" iconStorm.

Detailed Location

  • Can be crafted from The Black Hammer as you progress the Main story.

Materials Required

"Platinum Belt" iconPlatinum Belt Common Belts
"Liquid Flame (Material)" iconLiquid Flame (Material) Rare Materials
105× "Wyrrite" iconWyrrite Common Materials
32× "Magicked Ash" iconMagicked Ash Common Materials

Category iconScreenshots

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