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The Krojit Echoes The Dhalmekian Republic

Category iconIn-game Description

A bleak, ochre wilderness stretching through central Dhalmekia. Its northern half is a veritable warren of claustrophobic canyons and Fallen detritus, lacking paved roads or outposts of any kind. In the south, however, the area finally opens up to Rysanov Flat, and beyond it the reclusive community of "Tabor" iconTabor. This, and the lonely trade route leading to the Free Cities of Kanver, provide the region with at least some semblance of civilization.

Category iconScreenshots

Category iconRelated Lay of the Land

"Tabor" iconTabor The Dhalmekian Republic
"The Free Cities of Kanver" iconThe Free Cities of Kanver The Free Cities of Kanver
"The Dhalmekian Republic" iconThe Dhalmekian Republic The Dhalmekian Republic

Category iconRelated Mysteries of the Realm

"Echoes" iconEchoes Mysteries of the Realm

Category iconAffiliation

The Dhalmekian Republic
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